Category Archives: 15

Respond With Assurance – Proverbs 15:23

Respond With Assurance
Proverbs 15:23 (NIV)

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23 A person finds joy in giving an apt reply—
and how good is a timely word!

Proverbs Club Commentary

An encouraging response lifts the spirit.
An angel, for the most part, is a messenger.
Be an angel to those who come to you for assurance.

#person #finds #joy #giving #apt #reply #good #timely #word

Many Advisers Ameliorates Overconfidence – Proverbs 15:22

Many Advisers Ameliorates Overconfidence
Proverbs 15:22 (NIV)

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22 Plans fail for lack of counsel,
but with many advisers they succeed.

Proverbs Club Commentary

You cannot get too much good advice.
It is too easy to be overconfident.

See “The 10th Man Rule” from World War Z.

“Most of us view the world as more benign than it really is,
our own attributes as more favorable than they truly are,
and the goals we adopt as more achievable than they are likely to be.
We also tend to exaggerate our ability to forecast the future,
which fosters overconfidence.”
Wikipedia: Daniel Kahneman

#plans #fail #lack #counsel #many #advisers #succeed

Navigating The Narrow Path – Proverbs 15:21

Navigating The Narrow Path
Proverbs 15:21 (NIV)

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15 seconds

21 Folly brings joy to one who has no sense,
but whoever has understanding keeps a straight course.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Fools seek no guidance.
With wisdom gleaned from understanding,
the Righteous navigate the narrow path.

#folly #joy #no sense #whoever #understanding #straight course #straight #course

Parental Relationships Of The Righteous And The Wicked – Proverbs 15:20

Parental Relationships Of The Righteous And The Wicked
Proverbs 15:20 (NIV)

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15 seconds

20 A wise son brings joy to his father,
but a foolish man despises his mother.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Righteous men are a blessing to their fathers.
Wicked men hate their mothers.

#wise_son #joy #father #foolish_man #despises #mother


Broad Path Is Difficult. Narrow Path Is Cleared. – Proverbs 15:19

Broad Path Is Difficult. Narrow Path Is Cleared.
Proverbs 15:19 (NIV)

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15 seconds

19 The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns,
but the path of the upright is a highway.

Proverbs Club Commentary

The broad path is dangerous.
The narrow path is secured by angels.

#way_of_the_sluggard #blocked_with_thorns #path_of_the_upright #highway #way #sluggard #blocked #thorns #path #upright