Category Archives: 15

Response From The Righteous And The Wicked – Proverbs 15:28

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Response From The Righteous And The Wicked
Proverbs 15:28 (NIV)

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28 The heart of the righteous weighs its answers,
but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil.

Proverbs Club Commentary

The Righteous reply with inner wisdom.
The Wicked reply with inner hatred.

#heart #righteous #weighs #answers #mouth #wicked #gushes #evil

Greed Destroys Families – Proverbs 15:27

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Greed Destroys Families
Proverbs 15:27 (NIV)

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27 The greedy bring ruin to their households,
but the one who hates bribes will live.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Avarice destroys the nuclear family.

Judas excitedly grasped his 30 pieces of silver.
Soon, he went back and threw it at the Wicked.
Then, he went out and hanged himself.

Generosity is the cure for greed.

#greedy #bring #ruin #households #one #hates #bribes #live

The Very Thoughts Of The Wicked Are Abhorred By Jesus – Proverbs 15:26

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The Very Thoughts Of The Wicked Are Abhorred By Jesus
Proverbs 15:26 (NIV)

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26 The Lord detests the thoughts of the wicked,
but gracious words are pure in his sight.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Jesus abhors even the thoughts of the Wicked.
Jesus embraces the words of the Righteous.

Words reveal their source: thoughts.

#Lord #detests #thoughts #wicked #gracious #words #pure #sight

On Jesus And Property – Proverbs 15:25

Welcome To Proverbs Club
On Jesus And Property
Proverbs 15:25 (NIV)

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25 The Lord tears down the house of the proud,
but he sets the widow’s boundary stones in place.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Jesus destroys the property of the proud.
Jesus protects the property of the widow.

#Lord #tearsdown #house #proud #sets #widow #boundarystones #place #boundary #stones

Avoiding The Realm Of The Dead – Proverbs 15:24

Welcome To Proverbs Club
Avoiding The Realm Of The Dead
Proverbs 15:24 (NIV)

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24 The path of life leads upward for the prudent
to keep them from going down to the realm of the dead.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Path Of Life for the Righteous.
Realm Of The Dead for the others.

#path #life #leads #upward #prudent #keep #down #realm #dead