The Wicked, The Mocker, The Righteous, The Wise – Proverbs 9:7-9

The Wicked And The Mocker Resist Correction And Rebuke
Proverbs 9:7-9

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15 seconds

7 Whoever corrects a mocker invites insults;
whoever rebukes the wicked incurs abuse.

8 Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you;
rebuke the wise and they will love you.

9 Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;
teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.


PCDC Commentary

Do not give dogs what is sacred;
do not throw your pearls to pigs.
If you do, they may trample them under their feet,
and turn and tear you to pieces.
Matthew 7:6 NIV