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Protected: Neighborhood Quarterly Activity
Memorial Tribute
Literary Elements
1. Setting and Plot
The beach at the Lake of Gennesaret
Fishermen on 2 boats cleaning nets
Jesus is preaching to a crowd of people
Jesus enters the boat of Simon and tells him to go slightly from the shore.
He sits down and teaches the people.
Jesus tells Simon to go fishing with their nets.
Simon objects because the fishing was unsuccessful, but begrudgingly agrees and sets out.
They caught so many fish that the nets were breaking.
They call for the boat to help.
Both boats started to sink because of so many fish.
Simon was brought down to his knees to worship, as were the other 2.
Jesus comforts them and tells them they will be fishers of people.
They come back to the shore, leave their boats, and follow Jesus.
2. Presence Of The Narrator
Covert: The narrator is never mentioned.
Assumed to be Luke, the author.
Not physically present at the scene.
3. Character/Characterization
A. Narrator
Doctor Luke.
1. Background
A medical doctor.
Was hired to write the Gospel of Luke and Acts.
Considered one of the most trusted historians.
2. Place in Society
A doctor
An historian.
3. Moral and religious values
Wrote the gospel of Luke (from the vantage point of Simon Peter?).
I assume he is a Christian.
B. Meaning of Proper Names.
Jesus: Son of God
Simon: He who hears God
James: God Chosen
John: Gift of God
Zebedee: Priest
C. External Description
While Jesus was preaching at the lake shore, he entered into Simon’s boat to preach. Then they set out to fish and called for their other boat for help. They caught so many fish that both boats began to sink. All 3 fishermen worshipped Jesus who called them to follow him. They left the boats on the shore and followed him.
D. Internal Description
Listen to the Word of God. Follow it. Be blessed. Be committed.
E. Dialogue
Jesus to Simon: Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.
Simon to Jesus: Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.
Simon to Jesus: Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!
Jesus to Simon: Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.
F. Action
Preaching of Jesus.
Fishing of Simon, James, and John.
Catching too many fish.
Sinking of both boats.
Worship of all 3 fishermen.
Fishermen leave their boats and follow Jesus.
G. Moral
Follow the guidance of God and you will be blessed on your narrow path.
H. Gestures
sat down
I. Costume
Nothing mentioned
J. Another Character’s Description
Simon to Jesus: Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.
Jesus to Simon: Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.
K. A Character’s Development
Simon is the main character.
He complained about fishing all night and catching nothing.
He volunteered to do what Jesus said.
He called for help from the other fishermen.
He was overwhelmed, fell to worship Jesus, and admitted he was a sinner.
He and his partners left everything behind and followed Jesus.
L. Character’s development from previous passages
Not available
4. Audience Response
A. Audience within the text
The crowd
The fishermen: Simon, James, and John
B. Audience of the text
Israel (crowd)
C. Audience of the present day
Any Reader
research Dr. Luke