Category Archives: 22

Rich Man, Poor Man, Borrower, Slave – Proverbs 22:7

Rich Man, Poor Man, Borrower, Slave
Proverbs 22:7

7 The rich rule over the poor,
and the borrower is slave to the lender.

New International Version (NIV)

PCDC Commentary

Rich is to Poor
as Borrower is to Lender.

Borrow is to Lend
As Bondage is to Slavery.

Prepare Your Children For Adulthood – Proverbs 22:6

Prepare Your Children For Adulthood
Proverbs 22:6

6 Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

PCDC Commentary

There is no formula here.
Study your children.
Teach them good from evil.
Show them how to help others.

Concentrate on their strengths
while improving their weaknesses.
They will be prepared
to walk in the way of the Lord.

Eschew The Ways Of The Wicked – Proverbs 22:5

Eschew The Ways Of The Wicked

Proverbs 22:5

5 In the paths of the wicked are snares and pitfalls,
but those who would preserve their life stay far from them.

PCDC Commentary

Insure your life by avoiding
the evil ways of the wicked.

Self-Defense 22:3

Proverbs 22:3

The prudent see danger and take refuge,
but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.

PCdc Commentary

Self-defense is prudent.
Some are criticized for owning firearms.
Some are criticized for preparing for the unexpected.
Some are criticized for defending themselves and others.
This criticism comes from the Simple,
who are victims by choice.