Category Archives: 20

Fraud Victimizes The Hoaxer – Proverbs 20:17

Fraud Victimizes The Hoaxer
Proverbs 20:17 (NIV)

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17 Food gained by fraud tastes sweet,
but one ends up with a mouth full of gravel.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Deception seems profitable, but ends in failure.

#gained_by_fraud #gained #fraud #mouth_full_of_gravel #food #tastes #sweet #mouth #gravel

Security For Strangers, Pledge For Outsiders – Proverbs 20:16

Security For Strangers, Pledge For Outsiders
Proverbs 20:16 (NIV)

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16 Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger;
hold it in pledge if it is done for an outsider.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Proverbs is concerned about the lending and borrowing process.

Proverbs 6:1 (NIV)
My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor,
if you have shaken hands in pledge for a stranger,

Proverbs 11:15 (NIV)
Whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely suffer,
but whoever refuses to shake hands in pledge is safe.

Proverbs 20:16 (NIV)
Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger;
hold it in pledge if it is done for an outsider.

Proverbs 27:13 (NIV)
Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger;
hold it in pledge if it is done for an outsider.

#take #garment #security #stranger #hold #pledge #done #outsider

Knowledge Makes YOU More Valuable – Proverbs 20:15

Knowledge Makes YOU More Valuable
Proverbs 20:15 (NIV)

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15 Gold there is, and rubies in abundance,
but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Wisdom and knowledge
flow from a precious person.

#lips #knowledge #rare_jewel #abundance #speak #gold #rubies #jewel

Barter Or Buy – Proverbs 20:14

Barter Or Buy
Proverbs 20:14 (NIV)

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14 “It’s no good, it’s no good!” says the buyer—
then goes off and boasts about the purchase.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Bartering encourages lies and harms relationships.
A price should be set then enforced.
An offer should speak for itself.
But then again, I could be wrong.

Sleep Or Grow Rich – Proverbs 20:13

Sleep Or Grow Rich
Proverbs 20:13 (NIV)

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13 Do not love sleep or you will grow poor;
stay awake and you will have food to spare.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Sleep less.
Work more.
Show a profit.