Category Archives: 14

Go To Work Or Go Broke – Proverbs 14:23

Go To Work Or Go Broke
Proverbs 14:23 (NIV)

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23 All hard work brings a profit,
but mere talk leads only to poverty.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Hard work is a scriptural tenet.
Laziness, on the other hand, is repudiated.

#hardwork #work #brings #profit #meretalk #talk #leads #poverty

Narrow Path Or Other Paths – Proverbs 14:22

Narrow Path Or Other Paths
Proverbs 14:22 (NIV)

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22 Do not those who plot evil go astray?
But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.

Proverbs Club Commentary

The Wicked are lost because they are not on the Narrow Path.
The Righteous walk the Narrow Path with kindness and fealty.

#plot #evil #go #astray #plan #good #find #love #faithfulness

The Neighbor And The Needy – Proverbs 14:21

The Neighbor And The Needy
Proverbs 14:21 (NIV)

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21 It is a sin to despise one’s neighbor,
but blessed is the one who is kind to the needy.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Your only choice is to Love your neighbor.

For the entire law is fulfilled
in keeping this one command:
“Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Galatians 5:14 (NIV)

Get a blessing from helping the needy.

But when you give to the needy,
do not let your left hand know
what your right hand is doing,
Matthew 6:3 (NIV)

#sin #despise #neighbor #blessed #kind #needy

Favoring The Rich Or The Poor – Proverbs 14:20

Favoring The Rich Or The Poor
Proverbs 14:20 (NIV)

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20 The poor are shunned even by their neighbors,
but the rich have many friends.

Proverbs Club Commentary
The poor are rejected.
The rich are befriended.
This is flawed behavior to be eschewed.

#the_poor #shunned #their_neighbors #the_rich #many_friends #friends #neighbors #poor

Light is something. Darkness is nothing. – Proverbs 14:19

Light is something. Darkness is nothing.
Proverbs 14:19 (NIV)

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19 Evildoers will bow down in the presence of the good,
and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Empty darkness cannot penetrate the light.
The Wicked will capitulate to the Righteous.

#bow_down #gates_of_the_righteous #evildoers #good #wicked #presence #bow #gates #righteous