Category Archives: 11

Aspiration Of The Righteous And The Wicked – Proverbs 11:23

Aspiration Of The Righteous And The Wicked
Proverbs 11:23 (NIV)

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23 The desire of the righteous ends only in good,
but the hope of the wicked only in wrath.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Righteous motives create prosperity.
Wicked motives create hostility.

#desire #righteous #good #hope #wicked #wrath

Indiscretion Speaks Ugly Of You – Proverbs 11:22

Indiscretion Speaks Ugly Of You
Proverbs 11:22 (NIV)

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22 Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout
is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Even a beautiful women is marred by her imprudence.
Beauty is only skin deep:
but indiscretion is to the bone.

#goldring #gold #ring #pigsnout #pig #snout #beautifulwoman #beautiful #woman #discretion

To The Wicked: Punishment; To The Righteous: Freedom – Proverbs 11:21

To The Wicked: Punishment; To The Righteous: Freedom
Proverbs 11:21 (NIV)

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21 Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished,
but those who are righteous will go free.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Both the Wicked and the Righteous will be compensated.
One with punishment, the other with freedom.
And YOU get to pick your side!

#be_sure #wicked #not_go_unpunished #unpunished #righteous #free

Jesus Detests The Wicked And Enjoys The Righteous – Proverbs 11:20

Jesus Detests The Wicked And Enjoys The Righteous
Proverbs 11:20 (NIV)

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20 The Lord detests those whose hearts are perverse,
but he delights in those whose ways are blameless.

Proverbs Club Commentary

The Wicked are despised by Jesus.
The Righteous are celebrated by Him.

#The_Lord #Lord #Jesus #detests #hearts #perverse #delights #ways #blameless

Choose Life Or Death – Proverbs 11:19

Choose Life Or Death
Proverbs 11:19 (NIV)

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19 Truly the righteous attain life,
but whoever pursues evil finds death.

Proverbs Club Commentary

The Righteous attain life with certainty.
The Wicked attain death with certainty.
How can we attain righteousness for life?
Search the scriptures, starting with the Gospels.

#truly #righteous #attain #life #whoever #pursues #evil #death