Category Archives: 07

Beware The Promise Of The Adulteress – Proverbs 7:18-20

Beware The Promise Of The Adulteress
Proverbs 7:18-20 (NIV)

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18 Come, let’s drink deeply of love till morning;
let’s enjoy ourselves with love!

19 My husband is not at home;
he has gone on a long journey.

20 He took his purse filled with money
and will not be home till full moon.”

Proverbs Club Commentary

Let’s enjoy ourselves tonight
because my husband is gone for days.
What could possibly go worng?

Preparation And Offer Of The Honey Trap – Proverbs 7:15-17

Preparation And Offer Of The Honey Trap
Proverbs 7:15-17 (NIV)

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15 So I came out to meet you;
I looked for you and have found you!

16 I have covered my bed
with colored linens from Egypt.

17 I have perfumed my bed
with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon.

Proverbs Club Commentary

The adulteress has prepared her bed
with colored linens and fine perfumes.
She then goes out to capture her prey.

Honey Trap Is Set And Offered – Proverbs 7:13-14

Honey Trap Is Set And Offered
Proverbs 7:13-14

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13 She took hold of him and kissed him
and with a brazen face she said:

14 “Today I fulfilled my vows,
and I have food from my fellowship offering at home.

15 So I came out to meet you;
I looked for you and have found you!”


Proverbs Club Commentary

The adulteress found her fool,
hugged and kissed him,
and invited him to her home to eat.

Wife Turned Prostitute With Crafty Intent – Proverbs 7:10-12

Wife Turned Prostitute With Crafty Intent
Proverbs 7:10-12

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10 Then out came a woman to meet him,
dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent.

11 (She is unruly and defiant,
her feet never stay at home;

12 now in the street, now in the squares,
at every corner she lurks.)


PCDC Commentary

This woman is another man’s wife,
dressed like a prostitute
and strutting around
with devious motives.

Senseless Young Man Approaches Her House At Dusk – Proverbs 7:6-9

Senseless Young Man Approaches Her House At Dusk
Proverbs 7:6-9

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6 At the window of my house
I looked down through the lattice.

7 I saw among the simple,
I noticed among the young men,
a youth who had no sense.

8 He was going down the street near her corner,
walking along in the direction of her house

9 at twilight, as the day was fading,
as the dark of night set in.


PCDC Commentary

Sneaking away to the house of a married woman
at dusk cannot be a wise decision.