Category Archives: 01

Proverbs Are Your Wreath And Necklace – Proverbs 1:9

Proverbs Are Your Wreath And Necklace
Proverbs 1:9 (NIV)

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15 seconds

9 They are a garland to grace your head
and a chain to adorn your neck.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Proverbs are integrated jewels of truth
fundamental to following the narrow path.

#proverbs #garland #grace #head #chain #adorn #neck #wreath #necklace

Following Proverbs Is Reflected In Your Appearance – Proverbs 1:8

Following Proverbs Is Reflected In Your Appearance
Proverbs 1:8 (NIV)

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15 seconds

8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction
and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.

9 They are a garland to grace your head
and a chain to adorn your neck.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Proverbs are instructions and teachings
that are revealed in your speech and actions.

#listen #son #father #instruction #mother #teaching #garland #grace #head #chain #adorn #neck

Wise Up And Fear The Lord – Proverbs 1:7

Wise Up And Fear The Lord
Proverbs 1:7 (NIV)

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7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs Club Commentary

If you despise wisdom,
you will never know the Fear Of The Lord.

#Fear_of_the_Lord #beginning_of_knowledge #fools #despise #wisdom #instruction #fear #Lord #knowledge

Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants – Proverbs 1:5-6

Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants
Proverbs 1:5-6 (NIV)

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15 seconds

5 let the wise listen and add to their learning,
and let the discerning get guidance—

6 for understanding proverbs and parables,
the sayings and riddles of the wise.

Proverbs Club Commentary

by Augustus De Morgan

Great fleas have little fleas
upon their backs to bite ’em,
And little fleas have lesser fleas,
and so ad infinitum.

And the great fleas themselves,
in turn, have greater fleas to go on;
While these again have greater still,
and greater still, and so on.

Wikipedia search on: Siphonaptera (poem)

Reason #3 For Proverbs – Proverbs 1:4

Reason #3 For Proverbs
Proverbs 1:4 (NIV)

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4 for giving prudence to those who are simple,
knowledge and discretion to the young.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Proverbs are recommended
for the simple and the young
to impart prudence, discretion, and knowledge.

Prudence and Discretion, effectively the same,
are mentioned for both the young and simple.

Knowledge is mentioned for the young.