Monthly Archives: February 2023

Insite Lights The Narrow Path – Proverbs 9:6

Welcome To Proverbs Club
Insite Lights The Narrow Path
Proverbs 9:6 (NIV)

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6) Leave your simple ways and you will live;
walk in the way of insight.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Walk only on your Narrow Path and live.

#leave #your #simple #ways #live #walk #way #insight

Jesus, Wisdom, Earth, Mankind – Proverbs 8:30-31

Welcome To Proverbs Club
Jesus, Wisdom, Earth, Mankind
Proverbs 8:30-31 (NIV)

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30) Then I was constantly at his side.
I was filled with delight day after day,
rejoicing always in his presence,
31) rejoicing in his whole world
and delighting in mankind.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Wisdom was enthralled when Jesus created
the earth and mankind.
That is to say: it was astonishing, and still is.

#constantly #his #side #filled #delight #day #after #rejoicing #always #presence #whole #world #delighting #mankind

Brazen Adulteress Invites Her Willing Victim – Proverbs 7:13-14

Welcome To Proverbs Club
Brazen Adulteress Invites Her Willing Victim
Proverbs 7:13-14 (NIV)

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15 seconds

13) She took hold of him and kissed him
and with a brazen face she said:
14) “Today I fulfilled my vows,
and I have food from my fellowship offering at home.

Proverbs Club Commentary

The shameless Adulteress kisses him,
tells him about her religious day,
and invites him to her home to feast.

#adulteress #she #took #hold #him #kissed #brazen #face #said #today #fulfilled #vows #food #fellowship #offering #home

No Sleep, No Slumber – Proverbs 6:4

Welcome To Proverbs Club
No Sleep, No Slumber
Proverbs 6:4 (NIV)

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4) Allow no sleep to your eyes,
no slumber to your eyelids.

Proverbs Club Commentary

If you are committed for something for your neighbor,
do not rest until it is fulfilled.

#allow #no #sleep #your #eyes #slumber #eyelids

You’ll Be Sorry – Proverbs 5:12

Welcome To Proverbs Club
You’ll Be Sorry!
Proverbs 5:12 (NIV)

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15 seconds

12) You will say, “How I hated discipline!
How my heart spurned correction!

Proverbs Club Commentary

Listen to Wisdom or you will lament the outcome.

#you #say #hated #discipline #heart #spurned #correction