Monthly Archives: October 2022

Pleading Ignorance Of Your Immorality – Proverbs 24:12

Welcome To Proverbs Club
Pleading Ignorance Of Your Immorality
Proverbs 24:12 (NIV)

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12 If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,”
does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?
Does not he who guards your life know it?
Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done?

Proverbs Club Commentary

There is no excuse for your immoral actions.
God, who protects you, knows your heart.
He will repay you according to your works.

#say #we #knew #nothing #he #weighs #heart #perceive #guards #your #life #know #repay #everyone #according #they #done

How To Honor Your Parents – Proverbs 23:22

Welcome To Proverbs Club
How To Honor Your Parents
Proverbs 23:22 (NIV)

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22 Listen to your father, who gave you life,
and do not despise your mother when she is old.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Respect what your father taught you.
Always cherish your mother.

#listen #your #father #gave #you #life #despise #your #mother #when #she #old

Rich Is To Poor As Borrower Is To Lender – Proverbs 22:7

Welcome To Proverbs Club
Rich Is To Poor As Borrower Is To Lender
Proverbs 22:7 (NIV)

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7) The rich rule over the poor,
and the borrower is slave to the lender.

Proverbs Club Commentary

The rich control the poor.
The lender enslaves the borrower.

#rich #rule #over #poor #borrower #slave #lender

Victory And The War Machine – Proverbs 21:31

Welcome To Proverbs Club
Victory And The War Machine
Proverbs 21:31 (NIV)

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15 seconds

31) The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
but victory rests with the Lord.

Proverbs Club Commentary

The battle must be well planned and prepared.
But victory depends on Jesus.

#horse #made #ready #day #battle #victory #rests #Lord

Scrubbing Evil Away – Proverbs 20:30

Welcome To Proverbs Club
Scrubbing Evil Away
Proverbs 20:30 (NIV)

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15 seconds

30) Blows and wounds scrub away evil,
and beatings purge the inmost being.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Physical and mental harm grabs your attention,
and forces you to consider a better path.

#blows #wounds #scrub #away #evil #beatings #purge #inmost #being