Monthly Archives: July 2022

Hunt For Wisdom – Proverbs 8:17

Welcome To Proverbs Club
Hunt For Wisdom
Proverbs 8:17 (NIV)

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15 seconds

17 I love those who love me,
and those who seek me find me.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Search for Wisdom in the scriptures,
and you will find her.

#wisdom #love #those #love #me #seek #find

On Wisdom And Insight – Proverbs 7:4

Welcome To Proverbs Club
On Wisdom And Insight
Proverbs 7:4 (NIV)

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15 seconds

4 Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,”
and to insight, “You are my relative.”

Proverbs Club Commentary

Listen to Wisdom, and you will gain Insight,
because Wisdom enhances your intuition.

#say #wisdom #sister #insight #relative

Sympathy For The Hungry Thief – Proverbs 6:30

Welcome To Proverbs Club
Sympathy For The Hungry Thief
Proverbs 6:30 (NIV)

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15 seconds

30 People do not despise a thief if he steals
to satisfy his hunger when he is starving.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Even though sympathy for a hungry thief is understandable,
the penalty for the theft remains.

Watch “Miracle On 34th Street” for validation.

#people #despise #thief #steals #satisfy #hunger #starving

Resist The Bait Of The Adulteress Proverbs – 5:3-4

Welcome To Proverbs Club
Resist The Bait Of The Adulteress
Proverbs 5:3-4 (NIV)

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15 seconds

3 For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey,
and her speech is smoother than oil;
4 but in the end she is bitter as gall,
sharp as a double-edged sword.

Proverbs Club Commentary

The adulteress promises pleasure but delivers only havoc.

#lips #adulterous #woman #drip #honey #speech #smoother #oil #end #she #bitter #gall #sharp #double-edged #sword

SonLight Of The Narrow Path – Proverbs 4:18

Welcome To Proverbs Club
SonLight Of The Narrow Path
Proverbs 4:18 (NIV)

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15 seconds

15 seconds

18 The path of the righteous is like the morning sun,
shining ever brighter till the full light of day.

Proverbs Club Commentary

The Righteous walk a brilliantly lit Narrow Path.

#path #righteous #morning #sun #shining #ever #brighter #full #light #day