Monthly Archives: August 2021

Rob From The Poor, Give To The Rich – Proverbs 22:16

Rob From The Poor, Give To The Rich
Proverbs 22:16 (NIV)

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16 One who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth
and one who gives gifts to the rich—both come to poverty.

Proverbs Club Commentary

When you take from the poor or give to the rich,
you only acquire poverty.

#oppress #poor #increase #wealth #come_to_poverty #give #gifts #rich #poverty

Joining The Company Of The Dead – Proverbs 21:16

Joining The Company Of The Dead
Proverbs 21:16 (NIV)

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16 Whoever strays from the path of prudence
comes to rest in the company of the dead.

Proverbs Club Commentary

The Narrow Path avoids the company of the dead.

#company_of_the_dead #stray #path #prudence #company #dead

Security For Strangers, Pledge For Outsiders – Proverbs 20:16

Security For Strangers, Pledge For Outsiders
Proverbs 20:16 (NIV)

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16 Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger;
hold it in pledge if it is done for an outsider.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Proverbs is concerned about the lending and borrowing process.

Proverbs 6:1 (NIV)
My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor,
if you have shaken hands in pledge for a stranger,

Proverbs 11:15 (NIV)
Whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely suffer,
but whoever refuses to shake hands in pledge is safe.

Proverbs 20:16 (NIV)
Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger;
hold it in pledge if it is done for an outsider.

Proverbs 27:13 (NIV)
Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger;
hold it in pledge if it is done for an outsider.

#take #garment #security #stranger #hold #pledge #done #outsider

Favor The Poor – Proverbs 19:17

Favor The Poor
Proverbs 19:17 (NIV)

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17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will reward them for what they have done.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Jesus rewards those who are gracious to the poor.

#kind #poor #lends #Lord #reward #done

Value Of A Means Of Settlement – Proverbs 18:18

Value Of A Means Of Settlement
Proverbs 18:18 (NIV)

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18 Casting the lot settles disputes
and keeps strong opponents apart.

Proverbs Club Commentary

When a means to a settlement is agreed upon,
both parties are constrained to accept the result.
(No best 2 outta 3.)

#casting_lots #settles #disputes #keeps #opponents #apart