Monthly Archives: June 2021

On Choosing Your Own Path – Proverbs 5:11-12

On Choosing Your Own Path
Proverbs 5:11-12 (NIV)

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11 At the end of your life you will groan,
when your flesh and body are spent.

12 You will say, “How I hated discipline!
How my heart spurned correction!”

Proverbs Club Commentary

Following your own path
leads to heartache and remorse.

Follow Scripture And Live – Proverbs 4:4

Follow Scripture And Live
Proverbs 4:4 (NIV)

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4 Then he taught me, and he said to me,
“Take hold of my words with all your heart;
keep my commands, and you will live.”

Proverbs Club Commentary

Writers of scripture were inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Banning The Holy Bible is a tacit admission
that The Holy Bible is one book, by one author.


I want you to recall the words spoken in the past
by the holy prophets and the command given
by our Lord and Savior through your apostles.
2 Peter 3:2 (NIV)

Avoid Spurious Accusations – Proverbs 3:30

Welcome To Proverbs Club
Avoid Spurious Accusations
Proverbs 3:30 (NIV)

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30 Do not accuse anyone for no reason,
when they have done you no harm.

Proverbs Club Commentary

For the entire law is fulfilled
in keeping this one command:
“Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Galatians 5:14

Adulterers Follow A Path To The Spirits Of The Dead – Proverbs 2:18

Adulterers Follow A Path To The Spirits Of The Dead
Proverbs 2:18 (NIV)

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18 Surely her house leads down to death
and her paths to the spirits of the dead.

Proverbs Club Commentary

Without a doubt, the house and the path
of the adulteress leads to death and hell.
If you are an adulterer, confess and repent.