Fooled By The Fool 26:4 September 25, 201926Terry Grieve Fooled By The FoolProverbs 26:4 Click The Pic
Humility Or Humiliation 25:6-7 September 24, 201925Terry Grieve Humility Or Humiliation Proverbs 25:6-7 Click The Pic
Shut Your Mouth, Fool 24:7 September 23, 201924Terry Grieve Shut Your Mouth, Fool – Proverbs 24:7 Shut Your Mouth, Fool Proverbs 24:7 Click Here
Avoid Speaking To Fools 23:9 September 22, 201923Terry Grieve Avoid Speaking To Fools Proverbs 23:9 Click The Pic
The Wages Of Humility Proverbs 22:4 September 22, 201922Terry Grieve The Wages Of Humility Proverbs 22:4 Click The Pic